Privacy Policy

At we care about providing you with tools and information to manage and protect your online privacy. We have developed this privacy policy to inform you about what information this web site collects, who may receive that information, what we may do with the information, and how long we keep it. While we have made every attempt to make this policy as clear as possible, if you have any further questions about it, please contact us:
5523 Richmond
Houston, TX 77056
Phone: 713-960-8845


Does this website use cookies to keep track of my information?
Yes, this website uses cookies.

What types of information does this website collect?
We collect the following types of information:

  • Traditional contact information such as mailing address, phone number, and fax number.
  • Internet contact information such email addresses.
  • Information about the user’s computer system, such as the web browser type, IP address, and operating system.
  • Web pages visited, click stream data, and other navigation information.

Why is this website collecting the information?
We collect the information for the following purposes:

  • To complete the current activity of the visitor.
  • For website administration purposes.
  • To evaluate, review, or improve the website.
  • To customize the website for the user on multiple visits to the site.
  • To customize the website for the user on the current visit only.
  • To determine general habits, interests, or other characteristics of individuals, without attempting to identify specific individuals.
  • To build a profile of habits, interests, or other characteristics of the visitor.
  • To notify visitors of updates to the sites, and/or contact them to market products or services.

Who will receive the information?
The information will not be shared with anybody except our internal staff and any immediate agents that work directly for us (for example, a printing bureau).

Can I review my information?
Our website allows you to review all the information we keep about you.

What if I think there are inaccuracies in my information?
If you believe we are not handling your information in accordance with our privacy policy, please contact our customer service department. Contact information is available here.

If for some reason we have violated our privacy policy, we will correct the error as soon as you notify us.